all postcodes in YO42 / YORK

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Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO42 4DA 2 0 53.925171 -0.832303
YO42 4DB 1 0 53.923794 -0.856486
YO42 4DD 1 0 53.918328 -0.861081
YO42 4DE 6 1 53.939917 -0.840369
YO42 4DF 2 0 53.936293 -0.829875
YO42 4DG 2 0 53.943129 -0.824001
YO42 4DH 3 0 53.932235 -0.817567
YO42 4DJ 9 0 53.9312 -0.816561
YO42 4DL 22 0 53.930384 -0.82132
YO42 4DN 3 0 53.933761 -0.817372
YO42 4DQ 2 0 53.926617 -0.84705
YO42 4DW 4 0 53.931565 -0.818972
YO42 4DY 21 0 53.930554 -0.813
YO42 4DZ 23 0 53.928635 -0.81805
YO42 4EA 4 0 53.931159 -0.820659
YO42 4EB 7 1 53.931047 -0.82198
YO42 4ED 6 0 53.930548 -0.822458
YO42 4EE 10 0 53.930758 -0.82096
YO42 4EF 3 0 53.931172 -0.820926
YO42 4EG 16 0 53.932818 -0.818388